WASSCE 2020 History Past Questions

WASSCE 2020 History Past Questions

Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change. The WASSCE 2020 History Past Questions provided, shows you how WASSCE questions are set in terms of History. Now get ready to answer the following questions.

  1. All the following are reasons for studying history except that. it
  1. broadens students’ knowledge and understanding.
  2. helps students to know and understand their heritage.
  3. improves students ability to assess issues.
  4. narrows students thinking capacity to only past events.
  1. The European view that Africans had no history before their arrival was
  1. an understatement.
  2. a misconception.
  3. an overstatement.
  4. a factual conception.
  1. The importance of linguistics as a source of history is that it
  1. helps to trace the origin of animals.
  2. conforms to tradition.
  3. helps historians to classify people into ethnic groups.
  4. discusses the influence of other people.
  1. All the following are shortcomings of archaeology except that it
  1. is prone to distortion.
  2. gives limited account about the objects.
  3. cannot give absolute chronological account of events.
  4. is a primary source.
  1. The rise and development of the trans-Saharan trade could be mostly attributed to the
  1. production of different commodities for batter.
  2. goldfields of the Western Sudan.
  3. copper mines of Takedda.
  4. coming of the Europeans.
  1. The two dominant ethnic groups in North Africa involved in the trans-Saharan” trade were the
  1. Arabs and Berbers.
  2. Berbers and Almoravids.
  3. Almoravids and Tuareg.
  4. Berbers and Tuareg.
  1. The Eastern trade route of the trans-Saharan trade started from Egypt to
  1. Gao.
  2. Hausaland.
  3. Sijilmasa.
  4. Timbuctu.
  1. The caravan traders experienced all the following difficulties except
  1. harassment by the Tuareg.
  2. attacks by wild animals.
  3. lack of goods in the trading centres.
  4. accommodation in the desert.
  1. The two commodities which greatly influenced the trans-Saharan trade were
  1. A. gold and silver.
  2. B. copper and bronze.
  3. C. copper and diamond.
  4. D. salt and gold.
  1. Prior to the introduction of Islam, the people of West Africa were
  1. Buddhists.
  2. Traditionalists.
  3. Hindus.
  4. Coptics.
  1. All the following were factors responsible for the spread of Islam in West Africa except
  1. Almoravid invasion.
  2. intermarriages with North Africans.
  3. trade with Europeans.
  4. trade with the Berbers.
  1. Islam penetrated West Africa through
  1. marriage alliances.
  2. commercial contacts.
  3. traditional rulers.
  4. signing of treaties.
  1. Which of the following was not an effect of the spread of Islam in West Africa?
  1. Adoption of Islamic style of dressing
  2. Introduction of Islamic education
  3. Adoption of Arabic language in commerce
  4. Adoption of West African customs and traditions
  1. The introduction of Islam in West Africa enabled many rulers to
  1. improve their system of administration.
  2. improve the standard of living of their subjects.
  3. expand the boundaries of their states.
  4. abolish the worship of idols in their states.
  1. Europeans knew about the history of West Africa before the 15th century through
  1. their contacts with Red Indians.
  2. the writings of Arab scholars.
  3. the writings of African historians.
  4. the writings of European explorers and evangelists.
  1. Europeans’ early contact with the people of West Africa was to
  1. promote African culture.
  2. find the remains of dead Europeans.
  3. train the youths for subsistence agriculture.
  4. establish trade relations.
  1. Which of the following European groups did not participate in the civilizing mission in West Africa? The
  1. industrialists.
  2. explorers.
  3. traders.
  4. missionaries.
  1. The political objective of European contact with the West Africans was to
  1. abolish mission schools.
  2. establish colonies and colonize the people.
  3. open up trading activities with the people.
  4. seek for employment in the courts of rulers.
  1. one negative effect of the European contact with West Africa was that it led to
  1. trade contact between Europeans and West Africans.
  2. the introduction of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
  3. the spread of Christianity.
  4. the introduction of Western architecture.
  1. The first stage of the Triangular slave trade witnessed goods being brought to West Africa from
  1. Asia.
  2. the Americas.
  3. the Caribbean.
  4. Europe.
  1. The rapid growth of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in West Africa was as result of
  1. its profitability to only the Europeans.
  2. the greatest interest developed by the African religious leaders.
  3. the availability of able-bodied population in the region.
  4. the desire of the Americans to have African neighbours.
  1. The abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade was successful because of the
  1. availability of slaves.
  2. introduction of legitimate trade.
  3. enforcement of international treaties.
  4. revolts organized by slaves.
  1. The judgement which mainly impacted the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade was the
  1. Assiento of 1713.
  2. Equipment Treaty.
  3. Reciprocal Search Treaty.
  4. Lord Mansfield decision of 1772
  1. Which of the following factors supported the opposition to the suppression of the trans-Atlantic slave trade?
  1. Source of wealth for many people
  2. Parliamentary Act passed in Britain
  3. Supported by all European powers and merchants
  4. All local chiefs had become rich from it.
  1. Missionary activities in West Africa had the following impact on the people except
  1. playing crucial role in the rise of nationalism.
  2. showing interest in the development of agriculture.
  3. promoting traditional marriage of more than one wife.
  4. bringing several regions under European rule.

WASSCE 2020 History Past Questions, Objective

  1. The initial objective of missionary activities in West Africa was to
  1. promote indigenous education.
  2. convert the people to Christianity.
  3. promote West African culture.
  4. improve the standard of living of the people.
  1. The introduction of Western education in West Africa by the Christian Missions paved the way for the
  1. eradication of indigenous education.
  2. training of West African leaders overseas.
  3. promotion of indigenous education.
  4. learning of new ideas.
  1. One main objective of Christian missionaries’ support for European colonization of West Africa was to
  1. protect them from hostile ethnic groups.
  2. promote the development of Western education.
  3. encourage the growth of local products.
  4. supplant West African customs.
  1. One social impact of the Christian missionary activities on West Africa was
  1. promotion of agriculture.    
  2. deposition of traditional rulers.
  3. discouragement of polygamy.
  4. coronation of African chiefs.
  1. Which of the following reasons was the main cause of the Scramble for and Partition of West Africa? The
  1. desire to establish industries in the region.
  2. desire for raw materials and trade.
  3. need to train West Africans to manage their resources better.
  4. need to build schools and churches.
  1. Which of the following could not be regarded as a positive effect of the Scramble for and Partition of West Africa?
  1. Establishment of towns and urban centres
  2. Reduction in ethnic wars and rivalries
  3. Development of transport and communication
  4. Killing or deportation of African  leaders
  1. The greatest effect of the Scramble for and Partition of West Africa was the
  1. establishment of industries.
  2. construction of roads.
  3. exploitation of resources.
  4. establishment of churches.
  1. The high demand for raw materials in West Africa by the Europeans was due to
  1. Industrial Revolution.
  2. high prices of goods.
  3. durability of the materials.
  4. abundant production of goods.
  1. The last European nation to join the race for territories in West Africa was
  1. Italy.
  2. Spain.
  3. France.
  4. Germany.
  1. One achievement of the National Congress of British. West Africa (NCBWA) during thecolonial period was that it
  1. enhanced the breakaway of the Africans from churches.
  2. stimulated a reform in the colonial administration..
  3. brought about changes in the recruitment of Africans.
  4. forced many Europeans to resign from the civil service.
  1. In which of the following areas were the colonial masters accused of selective development?
  1. Building of churches
  2. Provision of infrastructure
  3. Building of markets
  4. Training of soldiers
  1. The colonial masters used divide and rule tactics in order to
  1. win the confidence of the educated class.
  2. share the people’s lands among themselves.
  3. allow more Europeans to assist in building industries.
  4. satisfy their desire to subdue the people.
  1. Mistrust among the people of West Africa at independence could be traced to their
  1. linguistic differences.
  2. colonial experience.
  3. settlement pattern.
  4. ethnic differences.
  1. The two West African countries which were arbitrarily divided between France and Britain after the defeat of Germany in the first World War were
  1. Dahomey and Togo.
  2. Cameroon and Dahomey.
  3. Togo and Cameroon.
  4. Dahomey and Ghana.
  1. Some African kings peacefully accepted colonialism because they
  1. had the support of their people.
  2. liked the Europeans.
  3. wanted European support against hostile neighbors
  4. lacked popularity among their kinsmen.
  1. One expectation of nationalists at independence was that
  1. more and railway lines would be built.            .
  2. all West Africans would be given European citizenship.
  3. former colonial masters would train their army.
  4. all Africans would be given opportunity to study in Europe.
  1. Once independence was achieved West African states expected that
  1. only the chiefs would be in government.
  2. traditional institutions would be dismantled.
  3. all Europeans would surrender their trading firms.
  4. boundary disputes would no longer be a problem.
  1. One way neo-colonialism was entrenched in West Africa was by
  1. sending military aid to West African states.
  2. exporting European finished goods to West African states.
  3. holding constitutional conferences in Europe.
  4. denying the nationalists the chance to study in Europe.
  1. Which of the following factors was a threat to neo-colonialism in West Africa?
  1. Population growth
  2. Pan-Africanism
  3. Military strength
  4. Local industries
  1. The Europeans’ attempt to control the new leadership in independent West African states Led to
  1. self reliance.
  2. regional integration.
  3. industrial growth.
  4. neo-colonialism.
  1. One problem common to West African states at independence was
  1. decline in fertility rate.
  2. rise in infant mortality:
  3. mistrust among ethnic groups.
  4. increase of foreign merchants.
  1. The Organization of African Unity failed in some of its activities because it
  1. lacked effective administrative machinery to enforce its decisions.
  2. achieved prospect through the establishment of the African Development Bank.
  3. had been vested with power only to help states achieve independence.
  4. dealt with border disputes with the help of liberation movements.
  1. One major achievement of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was that it
  1. ended colonial rule.           
  2. encouraged freedom of expression.
  3. promoted Neo-colonialism.
  4. maintained peace in West Africa.
  1. The body responsible for ensuring peace and cooperation among world nations is the
  1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  2. Commonwealth of Nations.
  3. United Nations Organization.
  4. Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
  1. In what way did West African states benefit from the United Nations Organization?
  1. Assistance given to freedom fighters
  2. Participation of West African states in world meetings
  3. Cultivation of farms to feed its members
  4. Opening businesses in all member states.

WASSCE 2020 History Past Questions Subjective

Answer four questions in all, choosing at least one question from each section.
All questions carry equal marks.



Answer at least one question from this section

  1. In what five ways was salt important to the people of Nigeria in pre-colonial times.
  2. (a) In what three ways has the study of material remains helped in thereconstruction of Nigerian history?
    • (b)       Outline any two effects of the environment on early Nigerians.
  3. (a)       Name any three centres of ancient civilization in Nigeria before 1800.
    • In what four ways were centres of ancient civilization important to the people of Nigeria.


Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. Outline any five reasons for the British conquest and annexation of Lagos between 1851 and 1861
  2. Highlight any five roles played by Bishop Ajayi Crowther in the spread of Christianity in Nigeria.
  3. Identify any five methods used by the British to conquer lgboland.


Answer at least one question from this section

  1. Identify any five socio-economic problems Nigeria faced between 1985 and 1998
  2. Outline any five methods used by the nationalists to achieve independence for Nigeria.
  3. Identify any five problems of the Organization of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU).


Answer four questions in all, choosing at least one question from each section.
All questions carry equal marks.


Answer at least one question from this section

  1. In what five ways was salt important to the people of The Gambia in pre-colonial times.
  2. (a) List any three types of Kankurang of the Mandinka
    • In what four ways were Kankurangs important in traditional Mandinka society?
  3. Identify any, five roles played by the Age-Sets among the precolonial people of The Gambia.


Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. (a)       Name. any three forces that collaborated against Mansa, Brupga, (Sonkoin 1831).
    • Outline any four reasons for the rejection of the 1826 Ceded MileTreaty by Mansa Brungai Sonko
  2. (a)       Name any three traditional practices that the people of The Gambia founddifficult to abandon for Christianity
    • Outline any four reasons for the failure of Christian missionaries to attract majority of Gambians in the 19th century
  3. (a)       List any three Mmabont towns in Foday Kombo Sillah’s stronghold of Foreign kombo.
    • Highlight any four conditions in the British ultimatum to Foday1Kombo Sillah


Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. Identify any five socio-economic problems The Gambia faced between 1965 and 2000.
  2. Outline any five methods used by the nationalists to achieve independence for The Gambia,
  3. Identify any five problems of the Organization of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU).


Answer four questions in all, choosing at least one question from each section.
All questions carry equal marks.


Answer at least one question from this section

  1. In what five ways was salt important to the people of Sierra Leone in pre-colonial times.
  2. (a) Name any three items that were given to chiefs as symbol of authority after the Kantha Ceremony.
    • Highlight any four ways the Kantha ceremony was important to the Temne.
  3. (a)       Name any three religious objects that were important in the life of the peopleof Sierra Leone
    • Identify any four features of the social organization of the Limba inpre-colonial times.


Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. (a)       Name any three leaders of the Nava Scotian Rebellion
    • outline any four reasons for the failure of the Nova Scotian Rebellion
  2. Name any Christian missionary groups that held in the in Sierra Leone
    • Highlight any four ways by which Christianity was introduced in Sierra Leone
  3. Highlight any five ways the colonial government promoted relations with the people of the interior.


Answer at least one question from this section

  1. Identify any five socio-economic problems Sierra Leone faced between 1961 and 2000.
  2. Outline any five methods used by the nationalists to achieve independence for Sierra Leone.
  3. Identify any five problems of the Organization of African Unity/African Union (OAU/AU).


Answer four questions in all, choosing at least one question from each section.
All questions carry equal marks.


Answer at least one question from this section

  1. In what five ways was salt important to the people of Liberia in pre-colonial times?
  2. (a)       List any three symbols of communication used by the early Liberians.
    • In what four ways were messages transmitted in early Liberian society?
  3. (a)       Name any three economic activities of the early Liberians
    • Outline any four ways blacksmithing was important to early Liberians


Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. (a)       Name any three Agents who governed the Colony of Liberia between1822 and 1839.
    • Highlight any four causes of the battles of Fort Hill and Crown Hill
  2. In what five ways did sortie indigenous rulers assist the early settlers at Dukor?
  3. In what five ways did Agent Jehudi Ashinun contribute to the suppression of the slave trade on the Liberian cost?


Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. (a)       List any three opposition politicians indicted in the 1955 attempted assassination on the life of President William V. S. Tubman
    • Highlight any four effects of the 1955 Election on Liberia.
  2. (a)       Name any historical loans negotiated and received by Liberia in the 1900s.
    • Identify any four purposes for which the historical loans of the 1900s were negotiated by the government of Liberia.
  3. Identify any five problems of the Organization of African Unity /African Union (OAU/AU).


Answer four questions in all, choosing at least one question from each section.
All questions carry equal marks.


Answer at least one question from this section

  1. Name the three core groups of people which founded the following Western Sudanese states:
    • Ghana;
    • Mali;
    • Songhai
    • (b) Highlight any four features of the Western Sudanese political system.
  2. (a)       List any three non-documentary sources of history
    • Identify any four reasons for the use of written documents as sources of history.
  3. Identify any five achievements of Pharaoh Menes Narmer in Egypt


Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. In what five ways was salt important to the people of Ghana in pre-colonial times.
  2. Highlight any five features of indigenous medical practices in Ghana before the advent of modern medical practices
  3. (a)       List any three Akan groups
    • (b)      Outline any four features of the Akan

SECTION C  (GHANA 1900 TO 1991)

Answer at least one question from this section.

  1. Identify any five socio-economic problems Ghana faced between 1957 and 1991.
  2. Outline any five methods used by the nationalists to achieve independence for Ghana
  3. Identify any five problems of the Organization of African Unity/African Union (0AU/AU).

Hope you enjoy the WASSCE 2020 History Past Questions

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